Black Bat Productions is made up of three young graduates of the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. Kellie McGhee, the Writer and Director, Aya Long, the Producer and Mary Ma, the Cinematographer. The ambitious team is looking to begin filming the pilot episode in mid-February of 2015.
Due to the fact that Black Bat Productions is based in Los Angeles, they intend to cast the main characters there; however, they do plan to cast other roles locally.
Follow for further notices on local casting calls; specific details will be posted when the time comes closer to filming. The website and other resources will be used to get the word out that actors are needed for specific scenes. Anyone willing to be a part of the casting process is welcome.
Please visit to follow the team’s campaign and/or to contribute to the production. The team is looking to raise $30,000 to cover the cost of the entire making of the film.
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