RBGA Ribbon Cutting: Morrison's Pub

September 14, 2015 | 4,266 views |

The River Bend Growth Association formerly welcomed Morrison’s Irish Pub as a new member and as a new and unique business in Downtown Alton.  The Irish Pub located at 200 State Street is the brain-child of partners Lisa Morrison and Mary Vankirk and is managed by George and Katey Thayer (Katey is Mary’s daughter.)  Perhaps that’s the reason behind the feeling you get when you step down into Morrison’s  - everyone’s vested in making you feel welcome and at home.

Morrison’s offers traditional Irish food, about 16 beers one of which, Morrison’s Irish Red is brewed specifically for them by Alton’s own Templar Brewing.

Step into Morrison’s and find out what it’s like to be in a real Irish Pub!


Morrison’s Irish Pub

200 State Street

Alton, IL 62002



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