Collinsville Community SnowFest '22

This is a past event that has already occured.

About this event

Collinsville Community SnowFest will have a little bit of something for everyone. Everyone is welcome!
8:00-8:30am - Community Breakfast
Starting @ 8:30 - Cardboard Sled Race. What can you construct with only corrugated cardboard as your main building material? Get creative and have some fun! Put together a one-of-a-kind sled with a team of friends, family, or co-workers. Register and then come to our parking lot on Jan. 29th and have a great time! Entry is $10.00 per sled with all proceeds going to Collinsville Parks.
Don't worry!.....we are providing the hill and all the snow!
Please go to this link to see the rules:
We will also have the following activities:
- Three virtual reality stations featuring the games Beat Saber, The Climb 2, and Vader Immortal. Prizes will be given for the high score for each game.
- Timed Jigsaw Puzzle competition. Put your team of two together and compete against each other for prizes. Register your team for the competition:
- Snowball fling and other snow related games.
- Pine Cone decorating Contest. We are looking for that one pine cone that stands out above all others! We will have materials on hand. No sign up needed. Just fine the crafts area when you get here. We have 300 pine cones.


8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
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Venue: unknown
1498 Vandalia St, Collinsville, IL 62234 (Driving Directions)
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