Alton Little Theater will present the sequel to OVER THE TAVERN, aptly named
KING O' THE MOON, March 11th through 20th at the ALT Showplace. The theater
group made a commitment to produce author Tom Dudzick's
semi-autobiographical trilogy over the course of three seasons. The
play-selection committee, directors, and Board of Governors were impressed
with the popularity and merits of the three plays which span three
decades.In KING O' THE MOON, the Pazinski family has left the conservative
1950s for the rebellious 1960s. Prior knowledge of this working-class family
is not a prerequisite to appreciating their ongoing trials and triumphs. As
Apollo 11 is about to land on the moon, the family gathers to honor their
late father's memory, and they quickly become entangled in each other's
problems - Rudy is re-thinking the priesthood, Eddie is preparing for
fatherhood and Vietnam, and Annie is contemplating divorce as their mother
Ellen considers a new romance. There's rarely a quiet moment in the Pazinski
household as they hurtle towards the next decade. ALT patrons embraced the
Pazinskis in 1959, at the dawning of the television era, and Lee Cox, PR
director for the theater, hopes that theater goers will embrace the family
through the medium of life theater. Cox has been in communication with the
author and found him genuinely pleased and impressed that the theater was
making the commitment to stage the three works.
Diana Enloe portrayed Sister Clarissa in OVER THE TAVERN....that character
has gone on to a "greater reward" in KING O' THE MOON and literally that
reward has become taking on the directing responsibilities for KING O' THE
MOON . Both Enloe and Cox have loved the journey and evolution of the
Pazinski family and Cox will direct the LAST MASS AT ST. CASIMIR'S ( OVER
Director Enloe describes KING O' THE MOON as" one of those tricky
contemporary pieces that is part comedy, part experience, part message, part
character sturdy, part family dynamic". She continues, "Ultimately I see
myself as a conductor, trying to maintain a balance of all parts...but the
central theme that holds all this together is tolerance. Especially
religious tolerance. And if there was ever a time for strong religious
tolerance in this country and around the globe, it is now."
The ensemble of six talented actors taking the audience back to 1969 is Gail
Drillinger ( Ellen) and Jeff Harrison (Walter, Ellen's "friend"); the young
adult Pazinski children are Todd Moore ( Eddie), Logan Sims ( Rudy), Elaine
Sims ( Annie), and Jake Shipton ( Georgie). Eddie's new wife, Maureen, is
played by Mikala Wilson. The cast guides the audience on a hilarious and
heartfelt journey just as the country is set to take big changes in 1969
and audience will surely enjoy the backdrop and soundtrack of authentic
transmissions from Apollo 11.
Reservations may be made by calling 618-462-6562; adult tickets are $14 and
students tickets ( through college with ID are $6). Group discounts are
available. KING O' THE MOON runs for nine performances, including two Sunday

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