EDWARDSVILLE - The Monsanto Fund helped the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Engineering successfully conduct its annual Summer Camps during June. The $15,000 grant assisted the School in hosting two separate weeklong camps for 55 high school students from six states by providing scholarships, supplies and instruction costs.
The camps are designed to provide students with hands-on experience in the world of engineering. The engaging projects that students worked on included:
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Programming robots
Programming traffic signals
Working on hovercrafts
Working on rockets
Building water filters and circuits
Developing four-dimensional construction projects
Tours of Phillips 66 Wood River Refinery and discussions with the company’s engineers.
“We are grateful for Monsanto Fund’s support, because these camps open a world of engineering possibilities to students and let them know that SIUE is a great place to learn and discover,” said Chris Gordon, associate dean of the SIUE School of Engineering and summer camp director. “During the past five years, campers from 12 states have participated in the summer camps.
“We have seen previous campers return to SIUE to begin their studies. This shows the value of the camp experience in attracting talented students and in helping them to identify and pursue their goals.”
The Phillips 66 Wood River Refinery is also a corporate sponsor for the camps.
About the Monsanto Fund
The Monsanto Fund, the philanthropic arm of Monsanto Company, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening the communities where farmers and Monsanto Company employees live and work. Visit the Monsanto Fund at www.monsantofund.org.
The SIUE School of Engineering offers one of the most comprehensive and affordable engineering programs in the St. Louis region with eight undergraduate degrees, five master’s degrees and a cooperative doctoral program, all housed in a state-of-the-art facility. Students learn from expert faculty, perform cutting-edge research, and participate in intercollegiate design competitions. Companies in the metropolitan St. Louis area provide students challenging internships and co-op opportunities, which often turn into permanent employment. All undergraduate programs are accredited by their respective accreditation agencies.
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