1. What do mummies like listening to?: Wrap music
  2. Why did the policeman ticket the ghost?: It didn’t have a haunting license
  3. What are a ghost’s favorite rides at the fair?: The scary-go-round and rollerghoster
  4. Which ghost is the best dancer?: The Boogie Man
  5. What’s a ghoul’s favorite game?: Hide-and-ghost-seek
  6. Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators?: It raises their spirits
  7. What do you get if you cross Bambi with a ghost?: Bamboo
  8. What is a ghost’s favorite dessert?: Booberry pie
  9. What’s a ghost’s favorite room?: The living room
  10. What is a werewolf’s favorite Cub Scout event?: Pack meetings
  11. Why don’t ghosts like rain?: It dampens their spirits 
  12. What is a goblin’s favorite cheese?: Monster-ella
  13. Why did the monster’s mother knit him three socks?: Because he grew another foot
  14. Whom do monsters buy their cookies from?: The Ghoul Scouts
  15. What is Dracula’s favorite circus act?: The juggler
  16. What do you do if you want to learn more about Dracula?: You join his fang club
  17. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?: A necktarine
  18. What do u get when you come across a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite
  19. Why are vampires so easy to fool?: Because they’re suckers
  20. What do you call a vampire that lives in a kitchen?: Count Spatula

Sources: http://boyslife.org/home/23079/25-funny-halloween-jokes/

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