The tears of America that flow from me and some of you.

When I look at the flag the red, white and blue, and say the Pledge of Allegiance

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All of those words are not true,

Liberty and justice for all, not just for me but some of you.

When I look around and see all the devastation all over the land, the tsunami, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, mudslides, tornadoes, and forest fires, even the animals feel the effect and they are crying.

Drugs, alcoholism, and killings too, no matter where it's at it does affect me and you.

The tears in America

Starting at the White House and flowing into the streets, all the racism, hatred, dishonesty, distrust, injustice, and inequality all for money, power and greed.

Taking advantage and abusing all over the land, because the ones that need to won't take a stand.

Separating families oh yes this is going on again just like in the slavery days because of the color of the skin.

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KAEPERNICK took a bow down on his knee, someone said he was disrespecting the flag, but it was for the awareness to take a stand for police brutality for the whole world to see.

To name a few Mike Brown, Paul O'Neal, Philandro Castle, Terrance Crutcher, Eric Garner when some people thought it was for to see and hear him say I can't breathe, Sandra Bland and 12 years old Tamar Rice.

Black Lives, Black Lives, Black Lives all do Matter

The US money says in God we trust, the true and living God I know He is all Love

Yet, all the different races, colors, denominations, creed, groups, and organizations are marching, protesting, and praying and saying come on you politicians take your stand, when you were voted in, it wasn't for no 1 man or 1 party plan.

There is still a lot of work to do, exercise your rights because some people died for you, and the change won't come without you.

Think about all of us together standing and holding our hands, all of our tears would flood out the entire land.

The Tears of America that flow from me and some of you.

Faye W. Taylor

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