GODFREY - Those interested are invited to join Liz Burns, assistant director of Instruction Services, for a Banned Books Event at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18 in Reid Memorial Library at Lewis and Clark Community College, in honor of Banned Books Week.

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"People are always surprised to find out just what classic and non-classic books have made the challenged and banned lists over the years," Burns said. "This event is a fun way to highlight those works and remind everyone of the importance of our individual right to choose what we read."

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The Banned Book Event will focus on the value of free and open access to information and include a trivia game complete with prizes. This event is free and open to the public.

Participants will be divided into groups of four and compete in three rounds of trivia with questions about banned or challenged books, censorship and movies based on banned or challenged books.

To learn more about Banned Books Week, visit the American Library Association at www.ala.org.

This Lewis and Clark Diversity Council event is presented by the Mannie Jackson Endowment and Center for the Humanities and is a Lewis and Clark Arts and Humanities Project, with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information visit www.lc.edu and search for key word "diversity."

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