Recently, this community came together as ONE, to show support for the tragic and sudden loss of St. Louis County Police Officer Blake Snyder. This community also came together to show support for Law Enforcement. I just wanted to say THANK YOU, and pass along what your support has meant.

First, we are aware of the difficult times this nation is experiencing, and what I saw recently, has been uplifting, empowering and motivating. Despite the differences people have, including personal beliefs, political views, etc., we, the community, came together as ONE. We saw and felt your support.

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During the funeral procession for St. Louis County Officer Blake Snyder, I led the procession as it left Chesterfield, Missouri, and into Alton. From several cities in St. Louis County, along Interstates 64 and 270, Highway 367, and then into Alton/ Godfrey, I was moved to tears by what I saw and felt during the funeral procession. I saw so many people lining city streets, the shoulders of the Interstates, people standing on top of buildings, standing in parking lots, and outside their cars. We saw parents holding children, with their hands over their heart. We saw students standing together, AMEREN workers, truck drivers, and many more, stopping what they were doing, to show their support ......... AMAZING!

During this funeral procession, the opposing traffic lanes of the interstates were not closed or being stopped because they were not going to interfere with the procession route. Despite those vehicles being able to freely travel down the interstate, I saw nearly every single vehicle in the opposing traffic lanes stop. The people in those cars got out of their vehicles to show their respect.. ....... AMAZING!

I saw so many signs of support, love, and appreciation. I saw people crying ( I was too), I heard people yelling "THANK YOU," and so many other words of support ......... AMAZING!

I overheard people saying that employers were allowing their employees to leave work for the funeral procession. I heard of small business owners closing their businesses during the procession, so they can show their support ......... AMAZING !

To the community who showed support, Officer Blake Snyder's family, friends and the Law Enforcement Community saw the signs you made and the flags you were proudly holding. We saw you showing your respect and appreciation, and we heard your words of appreciation and support .............. lt moved so many of us to tears.

While working as a police officer, due to the inherent negative things we encounter every day, it is very rare to have officers, including myself, moved to tears by seeing something so incredibly nice. It is just as rare to see something so incredibly nice that you feel the warmth of love and support by someone's actions. We felt that love and support you provided.

Thank you for that.

At the cemetery where Officer Blake Snyder was buried, many of us were walking back to our vehicles. I was approached by so many officers who were complimenting our community's involvement in the funeral procession and said they missed being in a community like ours. Those officers shared what they saw and felt along the funeral procession route. Many officers, while smiling ear to ear, were telling each other about the people they saw, and the signs they read. The stories never ended ......... AMAZING!

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I want to thank the numerous individuals who have provided letters and cards of support as well as generously providing food for the officers. This has been going on for awhile, and, to this day, is still happening. We are so thankful. It still warms our hearts every time this happens.

I want to thank the individuals and businesses who have shown their support by having blue lights and ribbons at their houses and businesses. I am appreciative to the people who have came up to Police Officers, while out in public, to say thank you. That means so much to all of us.

I just felt that you, the community, deserved to be publicly thanked. We saw your support, and continue to see your support. We felt your support, and we continue to feel your support.

We came together as ONE, which is something that is needed for all of us to move forward. You should be proud of what you have done and are doing, because I sure am.

Thank you, thank you, and once again, THANK YOU.

Detective Marcos Pulido



Alton Police Department

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