May 2024
Fishing Derby
5/11/2024 -

8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Glik Park

All kids are invited to bring their fishing pole and bait to Glik Park for the annual Fishing Derby. This derby is designed for youth up to 15 years old, accompanied by an adult. Just bring your pole, bait (live bait suggested), water, and pliers to help un-hook what you catch!

Event Schedule:

8:00 AM - Registration for the derby begins. Registration under Rotary Pavilion.
9:00 AM - A representative from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) will start the day off right with a presentation on fishing safety along with some great tips on how to catch “the big one.”

Then it’s on to the fishing! Participants have an hour and a half to catch as many fish as they can and once the air horn blows at 10:45 a.m..

First 50 participants will receive a goodie bag! ALL participants will receive a cherry limeade from sonic.