ST. LOUIS – On Tuesday, July 28, Katie’s Pizza & Pasta Osteria will host Giveback Tuesday at their Rock Hill location for the Urban League of Metropolitan Saint Louis. This nonprofit’s mission is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, social equality, and civil rights.

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Every month, Katie’s Pizza & Pasta Osteria features a local nonprofit organization and donates 100% of profits from the entire day to the charity. So far, Katie’s Pizza & Pasta Osteria has donated $234,520 to local nonprofit organizations.

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The Urban League advocates for and empowers African Americans and others in Metropolitan St. Louis by pursuing the following priorities:

  • Educational Excellence: Ensuring that children are well-educated and prepared for economic self-reliance in the 21st century through college scholarships, early childhood literacy, and Head Start.
  • Economic Opportunity: Empowering all people in attaining economic self-sufficiency through job training, good jobs, home ownership, entrepreneurship, and wealth accumulation.
  • Community Empowerment: Providing basic needs to stabilize disadvantaged families in order to benefit communities.
  • Civil Rights and Advocacy: Promoting and ensuring civil rights by actively working to eradicate all barriers to equal participation in all aspects of American society, whether political, economic, social, educational, or cultural.

For more information on the Urban League of Metropolitan Saint Louis, please visit

Katie’s Pizza & Pasta Osteria is open every day from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. To order curbside pickup, please visit For frozen pizza orders, please visit