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GRANITE CITY - The Granite Cith High girls' volleyball team finished the season with six wins and made tremendous progress and strides during the past four seasons, and senior Noelle Richey is part of the reason why. Coach Grace Hurst has also motivated and trained the girls in the player transformation.
The final match of Richey's high school career brought mixed emotions to her.
I've grown with this team for four years, and I'm so proud of how much we've grown," she said. "And it's like collectively, we've all changed in so many ways. We have all still pushed through the best we could."
Richey is a four-year varsity player for the Warriors and sees a lot of differences between playing as a freshman and playing as a senior.
"Playing as a senior, I feel like I almost like an older sister to all of them," Richey said, "and like they always talk to me about everything. I'm there to help them when they need me, and it's just awesome to watch everyone grow that's below me. As a freshman, I was the one growing, so it's a lot different."
Richey sees the future of Granite girls' volleyball as a bright one ahead.
"Well, I think they're going to do great," Richey said. "From the way we progressed this year, I just think it's only going to get better from here."
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