Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s master’s in physical education and coaching pedagogy ranks among the top 25 programs in the nation, being recognized for Best Value by Top Online Colleges.

The list, including SIUE’s regionally accredited program in the 21st spot, highlights institutions that exhibit a combination of “strong academic offerings and affordable tuitions.” The complete list is available at

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“It is a great honor to be recognized for providing an exceptional education, and it shows that students can obtain a high-quality education at SIUE at an affordable price,” said David Cluphf, EdD, program director and professor in the Department of Applied Health. “This program allows students to learn in real-time, based on their own experiences as a physical education teacher.”

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SIUE’s fully online program can be completed in 13 months. The curriculum focus is action research. Students conduct research in a real-world setting in an effort to improve practice. Students develop their ability to be a reflective practitioner, as well as their appreciation for the connection between research, and quality teaching and coaching.

For more information on the physical education and coaching pedagogy master’s program, including admission requirements and a sample curriculum, visit

The SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior prepares students in a wide range of fields including public health, exercise science, nutrition, instructional technology, psychology, speech-language pathology and audiology, educational administration, and teaching. Faculty members engage in leading-edge research, which enhances teaching and enriches the educational experience. The School supports the community through on-campus clinics, outreach to children and families, and a focused commitment to enhancing individual lives across the region. 

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