EDWARDSVILLE - The Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees today approved fee-related changes for the Edwardsville campus for the fall and spring terms of the 2017-18 academic year. The changes made during the board’s meeting on the Edwardsville campus included housing occupancy rates and the student fees for Information Technology, Textbook Rental and Intercollegiate Athletics.

Other fee changes were approved for the Student Welfare and Activity Fee (SWAF), Facilities and resident meal plans.

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University Housing rates were approved to increase 2.9 percent and will offset inflationary cost increases, fund debt service payments and maintain adequate fund balances in housing operations.

Dining Services received a 3.0 percent increase per semester in the meal plan charges for residents living in residence halls on the mandatory meal plan. The rates were developed for the academic year effective fall 2017 to offset inflationary cost increases in labor and food.

The Information Technology fee will change from $7.55 per credit hour to $7.75, a 2.6 percent increase resulting in a full-time undergraduate student paying $232.50 annually (two academic semesters of 15 hours each) compared with $226.50, currently. This fee helps defray the costs of supporting computing resources and networking infrastructure on campus.

Textbook rental fees will decrease by $21 for the academic year effective fall 2017 from $510 to $489. The 4.1 percent decrease is sufficient in offsetting the additional digital cost as well as the inflationary cost of textbooks.

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A full-time undergraduate student (30 credit hours) will pay an Intercollegiate Athletics annual fee of $387.30 beginning in the fall, a change from the current rate of $375.90. The approved 3.0 percent increase of $11.40 will support the annual operating expenses associated with an NCAA Division I program.

The Nursing Program fee will increase 32.2 percent. The fee will increase from $242 to $320 per nursing clinical class. The additional revenue is required to cover cost increases for the new, comprehensive NCLEX preparation program, which is a significant contributor to student success in passing the NCLEX board exam.

The Pharmacy Clinical Program fee will be $200 per semester effective fall 2017. The fee helps pay for clinical (experiential) sites for pharmacy students. The PharmD curriculum is comprised of 30 percent experiential education spread annually across the four-year degree program. The School of Pharmacy pays 30 clinical sites for student clinical rotations. The fee will also support RxPreceptor, a program used to assign clinical sites, perform student assessment and manage continuing education programming as required by SIUE’s accreditation for preceptor (clinical instructor) development. 

Annual Fees (for a full-time student enrolled in 15 hours during fall and spring)

                                                      FY17                       FY18                        Change

  • Student Welfare & Activity          $239.20                  $290.10                        +21.3%
  • Facilities                                $619.50                  $637.50                        + 2.9 %

Visit siue.edu/paying-for-college for more information about tuition and fees.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville provides students with a high quality, affordable education that prepares them for successful careers and lives of purpose. Built on the foundation of a broad-based liberal education, and enhanced by hands-on research and real-world experiences, the academic preparation SIUE students receive equips them to thrive in the global marketplace and make our communities better places to live. Situated on 2,660 acres of beautiful woodland atop the bluffs overlooking the natural beauty of the Mississippi River’s rich bottomland and only a short drive from downtown St. Louis, the SIUE campus is home