Alexis Silkwood

Alexis Silkwood's softball jersey was officially retired Saturday night at halftime of the Marquette-Jersey boys basketball game.

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A capacity crowd was on hand to witness a ceremony unveiling the star softball pitcher's No. 8 jersey on the gymnasium wall.

"It was definitely very awesome," Silkwood said. "I wouldn't be here, though, without the team. This brings back so many memories. I feel very blessed."

Silkwood was a first team Illinois Coaches Association All State Team selection in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. She is listed as one of the tops of IHSA all-time marks in several categories. She is listed for most wins in a season in 2012 with 34 wins. She had 443 strikeouts in a season in 2013; she had a 0.34 earned-run average and also had 100 shutouts, the first time ever in IHSA history. She had 54 no-hitters in her career, tops in IHSA history and pitched 924 innings. She had 243 hits in her career.

Silkwood is now attending Mississippi State and said she still strives to get better every game.

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Silkwood said attending school at Marquette and playing sports there was like being a part of a family.

"The family part is what I absolutely love about it," she said of her Marquette experience. "Marquette prepares you for college so well. I want to say again I wouldn't be here without the team. Marquette taught me to be the best I can be."

Alexis Silkwood jersey