In a speech on the Senate floor, Durbin listed the critical programs – VAWA funding, veterans’ support, early education programs – that were throwSen. Richard Durbinn into chaos by the OMB memo that put a hold on federal funding

WASHINGTON In a speech on the Senate floor last night, U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) denounced the Trump Administration’s decision to issue an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo to “temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of trillions of dollars of Federal financial assistance,” which caused mass confusion about the funding and operations of hundreds of government-funded programs ranging from Medicaid, to Head Start, to Violence Against Women Act grants. Shortly before the federal funding freeze began, U.S. District Court Judge Loren L. Alikhan, who was confirmed under Durbin’s tenure as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, temporarily blocked the move by the Trump Administration.

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In his remarks, Durbin emphasized that the Trump Administration does not have the authority to institute a federal funding freeze as Congress holds the constitutional power of the purse.

“He [Acting OMB Director Matthew Vaeth] sent out a letter, or memo, that basically called for a temporary pause in government spending. By what authority did he do that? I don't know. I've been in Congress for a few years. I've never quite seen anyone with an ‘Acting’ before their name have this much authority and power, but he had a lot. He has taken to himself the decision-making that affects families all over the United States, including in my State of Illinois,” Durbin said.

“But he [Vaeth] basically paused federal spending… so that these recipients could answer the basic questions as to whether they're loyal to his point of view. He referred to those who didn't agree with him as Marxists, as in Karl Marx… Who is this guy? How does he have this much authority? How is he able to say things like that that are so blatantly political?” Durbin said.

The memo caused immediate panic across the country as states’ Medicaid portals shut down and Head Start programs worried that they would not be open the following day to provide critical child care. The Trump Administration failed, when asked repeatedly, to provide clear guidance about what programs would be safe from being defunded.

“This poorly conceptualized, poorly communicated policy has created mass confusion in my state and across the nation. Worst yet, it has endangered [the] health, safety, [and] welfare of Americans across the country. The proposed freeze mandates that the government ‘temporarily pause’ the disbursement of key funds… We're going to temporarily pause reimbursement to local units of government and charities, for example, while we decide whether they’re living up to the standards of Donald Trump in terms of his political values,” Durbin continued.

Durbin read out some of the programs that were thrown into chaos by the OMB memo, beginning with Head Start and domestic violence survivor programs.

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“For many families, Head Start is daycare. Head Start is Pre-K. Head Start is a chance for kids in tough family circumstances to have a fighting chance. Of course, the Head Start agencies need to get their federal funds to keep the lights on, to feed the kids, to make sure they can heat the buildings in the winter,” Durbin said.

“The other one is violence against women. The groups are calling us in Illinois. They call me because the Senate Judiciary Committee, which I serve on, authored this bill years ago. A Senator from Delaware at the time, Joe Biden, introduced this legislation. What it boils down to, is if you’re a victim of domestic violence, there are grants available to provide safe and secure places for you to stay, rather than [keeping you] in these horrible, violent situations at home. What are we going to do with Mr. Vaeth's idea to put this on temporary pause?” Durbin said.

Durbin continued providing examples of threatened federal funding, including natural disaster relief, veterans benefits, and small business loans. Durbin pointed to the double standard of pausing federal aid to small businesses when major corporations, including Elon Musk’s company, Tesla, has received support from the federal government to stave off bankruptcy.

“Natural disaster relief speaks for itself. You think of the poor folks in California trying to recover from their wildfires. Think of the flooding, hurricanes, all the other events that take place. There are people who need a helping hand,” Durbin said.

“So many aspects of business rely on just a helping hand to get started. If you think loans to businesses are for little businesses, keep in mind that in 2009, Elon Musk came to the Obama Administration and asked for a loan so that his Tesla car company wouldn't go into bankruptcy. There are a lot of smaller businesses just as desperate to get a helping hand,” Durbin said.

Durbin concluded his remarks by criticizing the Trump Administration for claiming to support American families while attempting to tear away the basic services and programming that Americans rely on. Durbin underscored that President Trump’s own team could not answer basic questions about the policy he attempted to institute.

“If your goal is to ‘Make America Great Again,’ why start by cutting these basic services for families and deserving people across this country?” Durbin said. “We’re better than that. I’m proud of a nation that cares for people that need a helping hand. I’m not ashamed to say that.”

“Even the President’s own Press Secretary a few minutes ago was unable to even answer the questions about what was going on with this OMB Director. You know why? Because this move is nothing more than a power grab designed to target the most vulnerable and disguise it as a way ‘to analyze government spending,’” Durbin said. “The President is blatantly violating the law by holding up these vital funds across America.”

“This measure [temporary pause by the federal judge] is only delaying chaos and uncertainty if it’s President Trump’s determined effort to make sure that this happens. We will not stand idly by while the President plays fast and loose with our nation’s laws and the American peoples’ lives and livelihoods. We can have fiscal responsibility, we could have a budget we’re proud of, but this action taken by a fellow last night, somewhere in the bowels of a building here in Washington, is hurting people all across America. You can’t help American families be great if you don't give them a fighting chance,” Durbin concluded.