The purpose of this report is to provide information and to aid in government transparency.

Tax Cycle Committee Issue: As Chairman of the Tax Cycle Committee I support the immediate filling of the empty Madison County Board of Review position by Chairman Prenzler. The Board of Review is currently prevented from considering citizens’ requests for property tax reviews without the third board member. This appears an unnecessary disruption of services as there are reportedly three candidates that fit selection criterion. Failure to act in October jeopardizes completion of an effective Tax Cycle by the Assessor’s Office, Board of Review, County Clerk, and Treasurer’s Offices. The ‘current log jam’ could prevent timely distribution of tax money by the Treasurer to taxing districts.

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Judiciary Committee: I attended the Judiciary Committee October 4. 1. We discussed possible vaping ordinances for Middle Schools and High Schools and a concerted effort by school officials, law enforcement, and parents to protect youth. 2. Detention Center Staff reported out of county offenders have generated over $260,000 used to pay for detention costs. 3. I supported the Intergovernmental Agreements between the Sheriff’s Office and Godfrey and Troy School Districts to provide public service officers. The school districts pick up all the costs for coverage at the schools.

Health Committee: I attended the Health Committee October 4. 1. The Health Department completed week long emergency preparedness drills. 2. Professionals continue to research the short and long term dangers of vaping. Please educate yourself and children! 3. The proposed Health Department budget remains $200,000 in the ‘red’. We await the administration’s response. 4. ‘Doc’ Holliday shared information about mental health initiatives in jails.

Facilities Committee: I attended October 8. 1. Jail Project: Is 67% completed and running slightly under cost estimates. 2. Plum Street Property: There is currently no proposed request for sale of the Plum Street Property. 3. Plans for repair of the Youth Detention Center proceed.

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Transportation Committee: I attended October 9. 1. I voted for two resolutions; A. Funding for Pierce Lane Phase 5 Village of Godfrey, and, B. County Maintenance Resolution for 2020 Motor Fuel Tax. 2. Progress on the following projects continues; A. concrete is poured at the Chamberlain Bridge and at New Poag Road, B. black topping on Seiler Road starts soon, C. the Highway Department assists the Sheriff’s Department with Firing Range upgrades saving contractor costs.

Respectfully submitted,

Phil Chapman

County Board District Three

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