The purpose of this report is to provide information and to aid in government transparency.

Tax Cycle Committee: I chaired the Tax Cycle Committee on September 11. (1) We welcomed Mr. Victor A. Valentine, District 17, newly appointed to the Tax Cycle Committee, to his first Tax Cycle meeting. (2) Old Business: (A) Parcel Shape File: Mr. Dauderman and Ms. Cook met at my request to finalize the plan for upgrading the Parcel Shape files. Ms. Cook reported she will meet with me. Mr. Dauderman and an IT Representative to finalize a proposal ready for the next Tax Cycle meeting. The proposal will include ideas for a fee structure for, governmental entities, not for profit, and for profit organizations.

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The proposal will ensure the county is covered for any legal liability and control of derivatives. In the future a ‘for profit organization’ fee may change. (B) Recorder Issue: Previously, the Recorder suggested we consider upgrading property files in the vault through Fidlar and Laredo and make them available to the real estate industry at a county expenditure of approximately $500,000. I discussed this suggestion with County Clerk Ms. Ming Mendoza who will become Recorder, Mr. Chris Slusser Treasurer, and Mr. Jeff Ezra and Ms. Tanya Cook of the State’s Attorney Office. All four expressed concerns this expenditure wouldn’t be prudent. Treasurer Slusser pointed out this would leave approximately $140,000 in the Recorder’s Automation Fund and predicted the Automation Fund would be ‘in the red’ in two (2) years. The fund, in addition to providing automation also pays salaries. The committee didn’t want to risk a future deficit or the layoff of essential services personnel. Ms. Ming Mendoza and Ms. Cook also felt uncomfortable at spending $500,000 thus jeopardizing the fiscal health of the automation fund. The Tax Cycle Committee chooses not to consider a resolution at this time.

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Transportation Committee: I attended the Transportation Committee September 11. (1) Resolutions: I voted for the following resolutions: (A) Agreement Funding Resolution St. Louis Street Resurfacing Section 18-00112-00-RS, Utility Relocation Funding Resolution Seiler Road Reconstruction, Fosterburg Water District Section, 90-00166-00-FP, and Report /Bids, Seminary Road and Uniron School Road. (2) Purchase Requests: I moved the purchase approvals which passed unanimously, (3) MCT BIKE TRAIL Linking O’Fallon and Troy: Mr. Ron Jedda from the MCT visited and provided public comment. He raised the issue of safety and stop signs at Wilson Av. along the newly completed MCT Bike Trail linking O’Fallon to Troy scheduled to open soon. Transportation Chairman Tom McRae wisely offered to arrange a meeting between IDOT, MCT, and the County Chief Highway Engineer so the new section of bike trail can open on schedule.

Respectfully submitted, Phil Chapman, County Board District Three

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