EAST ST. LOUIS – During American Education Week, November 18-22, 2019, East St. Louis schools are joining the National Education Association (NEA) in raising awareness about the need to provide every child with a quality public education. Various activities celebrate and highlight the importance of bringing together educators, parents, students, and communities in a unified effort to build great public schools. These activities also reflect NEA's vision of calling upon America to provide public school students with quality schools so that they can grow and achieve in the 21st century.
Each day of the week, schools are focusing on a different American Education Week theme to spotlight the different people who are critical in building great public schools across School District 189. American Education Week's celebration days at Vivian Adams Early Childhood Center include:
- Monday, November 18: Nationwide Kickoff. Celebrating great public schools with a pep rally and dance. Male volunteers came and read to students as part of Real Men Read campaign.
- Tuesday, November 19: Parents Day. Parents were invited and welcomed into schools and classrooms for a first-hand experience of a typical school day for their child.
- Wednesday, November 20: Educator for a Day. Elected officials and parents served as “educators for a day” for a hands-on school experience.
- Thursday, November 21: Education Professionals Day. Schools recognize the staff who work diligently to meet the needs of the whole student.
- Friday, November 22: Substitute Educators Day. This day honors the substitute educators who are called upon to replace regularly employed teachers.
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Representative LaToya Greenwood commented “This week brings attention to the importance of high quality public school education.” Representative Greenwood joined Principal Melanie Hood at Vivian Adams Early Childhood Center as the ‘Principal for a Day.’
Representative Greenwood added, “It was a privilege for me to walk with Principal Hood and learn firsthand how educators are preparing young students for future success. I was truly inspired by the academic rigor, strong programming, and supports for the whole child and families occurring at Vivian Adams Early Childhood Center.”
NEA encourages individuals across the United States to take time to thank public school educators.
East St. Louis School District 189 is focused on providing rigorous, high quality education and exceptional educational experiences to the nearly 6,000 students within the community. Our vision is for students to be supported physically, socially, and emotionally in a safe and nurturing environment to achieve academic success that prepares them for college, the workforce, and citizenship in the 21st century. For more information, visit www.estl189.com. Follow more great stories @estl189 on Facebook and Twitter.