Megan E. GreenST. LOUIS - The Board of Aldermen’s Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee will discuss and take public comment on the TRANSFORM STL Act (Board Bill 153) on Tuesday, January 14th at 11:00 a.m. A meeting dedicated to public comment is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15th at 5:00 p.m.

“We acknowledge that not every resident can make their voice heard in the middle of a work day. The discussion of these funds is critical, and it's important to me that there is a dedicated, accessible hearing where we can hear from as many community members as possible,” said 7th Ward Alderwoman and sponsor of B.B. 153, Alisha Sonnier.

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The Board of Aldermen engaged in a yearlong process to understand residents’ top funding priorities. That process demonstrated residents’ support in three main categories: infrastructure, development, and people. Informed by those priorities, the TRANSFORM STL Act allocates:

  • $40 million for water system upgrades and $60 million for street and mobility improvements—providing the funding necessary to pursue federal and state grant matches for major infrastructure projects.

  • $70 million for affordable housing, vacant property redevelopment, and downpayment assistance; $30 million is earmarked for local business and nonprofit support.

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    $57.2 million will fund childcare subsidies and postsecondary education grants, while $20 million will support workforce development and city services improvement.

Each fund is monitored by a corresponding oversight board and managed by relevant city departments. Together, these initiatives aim to enhance livability, counter population decline, and catalyze growth in all parts of the city.

“We want to build on the participation we’ve seen throughout the public engagement process around this issue,” said Board of Aldermen President Megan E. Green. “Between now and the end of session, we plan to provide more opportunities for residents to share their feedback on this proposal.”

Meeting details can be found on the Aldermanic Calendar: