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ALTON - Alton Police Department and St. Anthony's Health Center hosted an Active Shooter Training on Thursday.
Alton Police Sgt. Manuel Espinosa, Sgt. Joel Bromaghim and Sgt. Jeremiah Dressler presented an active shooter seminar to area teachers, hospital staff, financial workers, and other leaders and workers in the community.
"We started organizing a healthy workplace luncheon for business leaders, employers, and teachers to talk about issues in the community and in the nation. One of the issues is active shooters so we bought in the Alton Police Department to discuss what to do," OSF St. Anthony's Health Care President Ajay Pathak said.
The trainers talked about how active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. They also discussed how to recognize signs of potential violent behavior and how to react and respond.
Sgt. Espinosa talked about how to provide critical information you can give law enforcement during an active shooter incident. He also talked about when law enforcement arrives how to act and what to do to help them.
Sgt. Dressler talked about how active shootings can happen anywhere and what to do during an active shooting. He talked about how you can Run, Hide, or Fight.
They talked about the FBI crime stats between 2000-2013 160 active shootings occurred. Forty-five of the 160 incidents was over in 5 minutes. Twenty-three of those ended in 2 minutes, 107 ended before the police arrived. So they told the crowd that most active shooters are done before police arrived.