ALTON - In honor of World Parkinson’s Day April 11, 2022, Rock Steady Boxings’ affiliate in Alton Illinois had an idea to create and host a Parkinson’s awareness event for their community. This event served multiple purposes for RSB Alton and its members, yet the event’s concept was very simple, easy to execute, and inexpensive.
The event was simply called, “Walk for Parkinson’s”. For this event, each participant simply needed to walk at least one lap around the 200-foot fitness track that is located at SSP Wellness Center, the home of RSB Alton, anytime within the week of April 10-April 16, 2022.
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All of the participants of the “Walk for Parkinson’s” event received an educational handout teaching them about Parkinson’s disease and its signs and symptoms. Participants could choose to donate to this event themselves or share the event's fundraiser page located at
The funds raised went to the SSP Wellness Center in a show of support for the RSB Alton program. If a participant donated $20 or more, they received an RSB boxing glove keychain. The boxing glove keychain was meant to symbolize the fight that all people with PD are in together worldwide.
It was also meant to show and symbolize that everyone wearing or displaying their keychain is in the fight against this disease, together. To kick off this event, all levels of the RSB Alton planned to walk the inaugural lap as one. The local paper ran the story about the event and the word spread.
On the Monday of the event, coinciding with World Parkinson’s awareness day, all levels of RSB Alton showed up to the track in preparation for the inaugural lap, and so did a surprising number of others. Boxer’s families, friends, and many other community members showed up ready to cheer loudly as the boxers walked their lap. Some of which were holding up signs that read, “We Love Rock Steady”, or “We Support RSB Boxers!”, many of which were wearing or displaying their RSB boxing glove keychains they earned.
The two certified RSB coaches said a few words of appreciation to the people there in person and to all the others who were watching virtually through the Facebook live event. The boxers began to walk and the crowd roared as if it were a championship bout at Madison Square Garden and the boxers were making their walk to the ring. As the boxers finished the lap together, they burst through the ribbon that was being held up for them at the finish line. Just as that lap finished a beloved level 4 boxer named George came through the doors and again the crowd erupted in cheers. He entered the track and now everyone cheered on George as he pushed his walker, and himself, around the track for a lap.
Although technically being a little late, George’s timing could not have been better, the crowd's excitement was at its peak as he began to make his lap around. A new ribbon was brought out for George to cut through at the finish line and despite his usual challenges with bradykinesia, in the last 25 feet, George nearly burst out into a jog.
George's coach said George had not moved with that much speed and fluidity in the previous three years. As he made the finish line, nearly at a jog with a smile on his face and his walker in tow, the moment could not have been more special. The event served many purposes and despite being the first event of its kind, it was very successful.
Exceeding all of the fundraising goals that were set prior, over $2,300 was raised for the Wellness Center in a show of support for the Rock Steady Boxing program.
For more, contact Dustin Heiser, Certified Rock Steady Boxing Coach at RSB Alton Senior Services Plus, inc. 2603 North Rodgers Avenue Alton, IL 62002 618-465-3298