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ALTON - Olga’s Kitchen in Alton showcased its renovations at its 206 Alton Square location on Wednesday with a grand opening/ribbon cutting conducted by the RiverBend Growth Association. The renovations and grand opening served as a tribute to Olga's success in Alton the past four decades.

From Olga's website, this is the story of Olga's Kitchen: "The Olga’s Kitchen story began in the mid-1960s, when founder, Olga Loizon returned to the Mediterranean to visit her family. It was an opportunity for her and her three small children to get reconnected with their Greek heritage…and in the process, Olga would discover her legacy.

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"It was a visit to the local market square that inspired what would soon grow into an iconic Michigan brand. Here, Olga’s children first tasted souvlaki, a traditional Greek sandwich of meat and vegetables wrapped in fresh-baked pita bread. Her kids were hooked…and Olga was inspired.

The first step was buying the vertical rotisserie to cook the meat. It had to be authentic. However, in the ’60s, women didn’t typically own businesses and she was refused the machine. So, she gave her uncle the money to buy the machine for her. Soon, Olga, her kids, and her new vertical rotisserie were on their way back to Michigan."

Olga’s in Alton General Manager Tammy Hayden said a few years ago the massive renovation was only a dream and now it is a reality.

“We needed a fresh look,” she said. “We wanted it for the people of Alton-Godfrey and surrounding areas. We wanted to show everyone this is because of our most loyal guests. For those who have supported us in this area for 40 years, this is for you.”

Aaron Humphrey a corporate representative for the Olga’s franchise, said the Alton restaurant matches the original found Olga’s passion and tenacity to make the legendary business happen.

“Thank you most of all to the loyal guests who have made the business work for 40 years in this community,” he said. “I have always heard great things about the Alton area and it is special because of Tammy, the managers and the workers who are here every day. It is special to hear of guests driving an hour to come to this restaurant.”