You're Beautiful With Brian Trust! Ft: Mike Weller

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ALTON - On a recent episode of “You’re Beautiful” with Brian Trust, Mike Weller spoke about gratitude, doing your best, and trusting God.

Weller shared that he didn’t always have a relationship with God, but since he has developed his faith, he feels like his life has improved. Not only does he believe he is a better person, but he has more appreciation for the positives and the people he encounters. He encourages everyone to live their lives according to God’s teachings.

“He’s got a plan. Just shut up and listen to Him,” Weller said. “Just do it to impress Him. That’s it. Do everything with the intent of going to Heaven. How crazy is that?”

Weller didn’t always have a close relationship with God. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, he began taking long walks through Alton and praying. As he reconnected with God, he gained a deeper appreciation for God’s love and mercy.

“I got back in touch with Jesus then,” he remembered. “That was my reconnection, because I did lose it. A lot of us do. Sometimes we lose it for so long, it’s almost fearful to try to come back. I didn’t even realize that I was doing it so much, but I was. And that started to change my mindset, my actual happiness, my true happiness.”

Not only does Weller feel happier, but he believes he is becoming a better person. He now goes out of his way to help other people and do the right thing, like picking up trash he sees outside or helping his mother clean her business at River Bend Yoga.

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He lives by Colossians 3:23–24 — “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward” — and tries to do his best at all times, whether that’s at his business at AP Cigar in downtown Alton or in his personal life.

“I do live my life like somebody’s watching all the time, because somebody is, always,” he explained. “When you die and you get your highlight reel, are you proud? There are things, obviously, I’m not proud of. But right now, I’m proud of what I do. If somebody filmed and put a bunch of stuff online of me doing what I do every single day, I’d be super proud.”

While Weller knows nothing is perfect, he tries his best to get as close to perfection as possible. When life is difficult, he relies on his faith to get him through. He encourages other people to do the same. He noted that it can be tempting to turn away from God, but this is actually when we need Him most.

“How do you handle that?” he asked. “Do you leave Jesus or do you realize that you can handle this and this will change you and this will make you more compassionate? Or you can just start being angry at the world. I was angry for many, many years.”

But since reconnecting with God, Weller’s outlook has completely shifted. He feels fortunate to have God in his life, and he encourages gratitude. He suggests verbally naming small things that you are grateful for, as he believes this can enhance your gratitude and make you feel better.

As the new year approaches, Weller believes this is a perfect opportunity for people to focus on their relationship with God. He compares building this relationship to going to the gym; consistency is key. Prayer is a great first step to connect with God, he said, and he hopes more people build that relationship in 2025.

“Everybody’s going to be like, ‘New year, new me,’” he said. “Try new year, new relationship with Jesus.”

Watch or listen to “You’re Beautiful” with Brian Trust at 2 p.m. on Thursdays at

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