EDWARDSVILLE - A cadre of local business minds will offer practical expertise to small business owners at “All Systems Go,” a three-hour session aimed at arming companies with the necessary tools and operational resources to successfully launch their companies. The symposium is 9 a.m.-noon Thursday, March 9 on the second floor of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Morris University Center at 1 Hairpin Drive.

An insurance specialist, an employment attorney and a payment solutions specialist are included in the slate of professionals who are presenting. The Illinois Metro East Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at SIUE’s goal is to ensure entrepreneurs and existing small business owners across the region have the tools and expertise necessary to “blast off” and grow their companies without succumbing to common pitfalls.  

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“Our mission is to assist innovators and contribute to their success early by offering practical strategies and maintainable tactics, so they can run their day-to-day operations and grow their businesses,” said SBDC Interim Director Jo Ann DiMaggio May. “Participants will learn cyber security and commercial insurance insights for small businesses, employment law basics, human resources hiring practices and more. For just a few hours and a $25 investment, the content they’ll gain is well worth it.”

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Event sponsors include Armstrong Teasdale, Express Employment Professionals, Ignite Payments and Allen Insurance Group, the SIUE School of Business and the Illinois Metro East SBDC.

For details and to register, call the Metro East SBDC at (618) 650-2929. Registration will take place at 8:30 a.m. the day of the event. Complimentary parking is available for registered attendees.

The Metro East SBDC assists existing companies as well as new businesses headquartered in the nine-county Metro East region of Calhoun, Jersey, Madison, Bond, Clinton, St. Clair, Washington, Monroe and Randolph. It is a no-cost service to the community supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. 

By aiding entrepreneurs and companies in defining their path to success, the SBDC network positively impacts the Metro East by strengthening the business community, creating and retaining jobs and encouraging capital investment. It enhances the region’s economic interests by providing one-stop assistance to individuals by means of counseling, training, research and advocacy for new ventures and existing small businesses. When appropriate, the SBDC strives to affiliate its ties to the region to support the goals and objectives of both the SIUE School of Business and the University at large. To learn how the SBDC can help small business, contact the Metro East SBDC at (618) 650-2929 or sbdcedw@gmail.com.