ALTON - Megan Croxford is the November Art Fahrner Edward Jones High School Remarkable Redbird of the Month.
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Megan Croxford is a senior at Alton High School. Megan is working with a local group based out of Lewis and Clark Community College addressing domestic violence concerns. She is putting together an interactive and informative booth/display educating teens on what is and is not love and how to get out of a bad relationship. Megan along with another student, Alyssa Bean, will be presenting this at the Domestic Violence Awareness Walk, the Career Fair, and the district Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Fall Leadership Conference at SIU Carbondale.
Megan is currently the FCCLA President at Alton High. She recently won state and competed at the FCCLA Convention twice. Megan is a member of the National Honor Society and has also been involved in Student Council as a former officer. Megan is outstanding in the quality of her work and has tremendous compassion for others.
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