CHICAGO – House Speaker Michael J. Madigan released the following statement Monday:
“Continuing House Democrats’ commitment to comprehensive reform of the laws governing the behavior of elected officials, state employees, and lobbyists, I have appointed Majority Leader Greg Harris and Assistant Majority Leader Kelly Burke to serve on the bipartisan, bicameral Joint Commission on Ethics and Lobbying Reform. Leader Harris and Leader Burke are widely recognized for their ability to work across the aisle to build consensus for significant legislative reforms. As the representatives of the House Democratic Caucus, they will help bring all stakeholders together, lead a thorough review and discussion of existing ethics and lobbying laws, and prepare recommendations for additional reforms by the end of March.”
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The following can be attributed to Majority Leader Greg Harris:
“Serious reforms to state ethics and lobbying laws will require a thorough and bipartisan discussion on where our current laws are working and where they fall short. I appreciate Speaker Madigan’s commitment to bringing key stakeholders to the table for a public conversation on how we can continue to restore confidence in our state government.”
The following can be attributed to Assistant Majority Leader Kelly Burke:
“The task of addressing corruption and strengthening lobbying laws is not a Democratic or Republican issue; it must be a bipartisan effort. The Joint Commission on Ethics and Lobbying Reform will allow for a comprehensive and cooperative conversation on an issue of tremendous importance to our state. I look forward to working with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle and the appointees of our constitutional officers to prepare a strong set of bipartisan reforms.”