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Report to the People #6  20 January, 2017

Dear Citizen  as your County Board District Three Representative I provide you this sixth “Report to the People".

Planning and Development

Madison County Economic Summit

I campaigned on working to bring jobs to Madison County . Please be aware of the Madison County Economic Summit planned for April 6 and 7. Contact jparnold@co.Madison. Il .us  for further information.  Let’s hope a member or members of President Trump’s economic team attend to help save the 1500 union jobs at Granite City Steel  and bring additional jobs to Madison County.

I shared a working lunch with Mayor Bloemker and discussed Hamel’s participation in the upcoming Madison County Economic Summit.  We brainstormed the idea of Hamel becoming an “Enterprise Zone’ by developing Hamel as a magnet site along “Old Route 66” for tourism. Interested parties may contact Mayor Bloemker  at 618-633-2484.

Hamel Drainage Issues

Many thanks to Hamel’s Mayor and Supervisor for providing me a tour of the extensive drainage projects recently completed by the people of Hamel. The Mayor, Village Supervisor, and I will work together to clear silted state drainage right aways.

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Parliamentary Issues (Some Personal Observations)

Recently, Madison County voters decided to elect a new County Board Chairman and a Republican Majority on the Madison County Board. The previous Chairman held power for many years. In the aftermath of his departure, Republicans and Democrats ‘filling the power void’ during this transition begin to rediscover “Parliamentary Procedure”. County By Laws stipulate Robert’s Rules of Order govern County Board meetings.

During my brief tenure on the board I’ve observed the Chairman and Board Members might profit from greater study and adherence to Robert’s Rules of Order. More specifically honoring the Orders of the Day, clearly stating motions (rather than saying ‘so moved’), discussing the  a seconded motion is on the floor rather than getting off track, using a Motion to Postpone msy be more appropriate than an Motion to Table might improve discussion. At the last meeting , it became apparent a clearer understanding of how to Appeal the Decision of the Chair would be helpful. May I humbly suggest, closer adherence to parliamentary procedure will guard the rights of all board members and the rights of the minority and majority party.

Personnel Committee Issues

Additional Union-ization of Public Employees

On 18 January, while not a member,  I attended the Personnel Relations Committee.  During the meeting, which remained public, I  learned a number of county employees, (as appears to be their right), expressed a desire to join the public employees union. A staff member, assisting with negotiations,  told us that some of those expressing to join the union, had the title “Supervisor” attached to their job title. In the process of negotiations the union (rightly so) asked for ‘job descriptions’ to assist in negotiation. An employee in attendance noted that when he researched job descriptions, he found a lack of  job descriptions and that in some cases jobs lacked a clear ‘chain of command’. Surprisingly, some ‘Supervisors’ allegedly  supervised noemployees.

If the fore mentioned  statements made at the committee meeting are true, then it appears to me, that in the aftermath of a long time County Board Chairman leaving, change becomes inevitable.  Hopefully, the move to unionization by  employees, which are not now members of the bargaining unit, will lead to clear job descriptions based on the county’s need. Salaries will be commensurate with duties and responsibilities including the supervision of others. I hope all choose to work in a spirit of co operation and find fair resolution to these issues.

Respectfully submitted,

Philip W. Chapman

County Board District Three

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