Allen Greenhouse sells flowers at last year's Maker's Faire

JERSEYVILLE - A Maker’s Faire will be held tonight from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. in the parking lot under the water tower at the corner of Arch and Washington streets in Jerseyville. Local businesses and vendors will sell items like clothing, jewelry, plants, books, and more.

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The Maker’s Faire will be a recurring event every fourth Tuesday of the month from tonight until October 25 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m., in coordination with the Jersey County Business Association’s “Open Late” promotional campaign.

Businesses/vendors participating in the Maker’s Faire include Ajk Designs, Allen Greenhouse, A.Toppy Designs, Epoxy Farms, Fox & Thistle, the Jerseyville Public Library, Scentsy, and Triple H Frangrances.

Outgoing JCBA Director Beth Bear said the purpose of the Faire is to promote local small businesses both new and old.

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“One of the reasons for the chamber of commerce is not only to promote our existing businesses, but to support new and start-up businesses as well, and this is just one of the small things that we try and do to do that,” Bear said.

Bear said the Maker’s Faire began as a series of individual pop-up shops and has since come a long way over the years.

“The Maker’s Faire really began because when we started doing Open Lates, we had some businesses who were not brick-and-mortar establishments, but who still wanted to participate in our ‘Open Late’ nights - and so what we did is we created pop-up shops … sometimes they were in parking lots, sometimes they were in other storefronts,” Bear said. “But this pop-up idea became so popular that we essentially needed a larger space where we could provide the opportunity for whoever wanted to pop up the opportunity to do so.”

For more information about the Maker’s Fair and “Open Late” nights, visit the JCBA Facebook page.