Illinois State Police (ISP) will strictly enforce FATAL-4 moving violations through today, which includes; DUI, Speeding, Distracted Driving, and Seat Belt compliance, but will place an emphasis on impaired driving.

ISP District 11 and District 18 outlets both advised motorists they will be out with a strong group enforcing any impaired driving today, Super Bowl Sunday. ISP and other law enforcement agencies have advised motorists repeatedly who are impaired today to get a designated driver, a cab, or stay where they are and not drive after drinking alcohol. The Edwardsville and Alton Police Department has also issued warnings to those drinking and driving on Super Bowl weekend.

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During the 50th Super Bowl weekend in 2016, ISP Troopers issued 2,494 FATAL-4 citations statewide, 200 of which were alcohol related arrests, nearly double the 105 alcohol arrests during the 49th Super Bowl weekend in 2015.

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District 18 and District 11 will conduct roving patrols and roadside safety checks in high fatality areas throughout the weekend. If you drive impaired, expect to be pulled over.

“Our Troopers have seen more motorists getting designated drivers but there are still a large number of drivers who continue to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs,” stated ISP District 18 Commander, Captain Timothy Tyler. Tyler continued by saying “Additional Troopers will be working Alcohol Countermeasure Enforcement Patrols this coming weekend. They will be determined to get those drivers who continue to drive under the influence off the road and make it safer for the other motorists.”

Alcohol is a leading factor in fatal traffic crashes, especially during celebratory weekends. The ISP is reminding motorists to help keep the roadways safe by planning ahead and designating a driver, calling a cab or using a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft. Everyone wins when we all make it home safe.

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