Motorists should be aware of the following on-going closures:


  • IL 3 from Grafton Hills Road to IL 109 near Grafton one lane restricted to perform widening, box culvert extensions and resurfacing through December 2017. (JA)

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  • IL 3/111 (Homer Adams Parkway) at Golf Road, lane restrictions to construct intersection and drainage improvements for the proposed Alton Multimodal Facility through June 2017. (Ops)
  • IL 4, St. Jacob, structure over the East Fork of Silver Creek approximately 0.7 mile north of US 40, reduced to one-way traffic with width restrictions in place and temporary traffic signals for the remainder of construction through spring 2017. (SEP)
  • SIU Northern Access Road over Cahokia Creek between IL 143 and New Poag Road will be reduced to one lane for approximately one month. At that time, the northbound and southbound lanes will both be reduced to one lane for the remainder of the project to repair the surfaces of both bridges through fall 2017. (JA)


  • I-55/64 westbound, between 3rd Street and Tudor Avenue, the right lane remains closed through spring 2017. Throughout the duration of this work, one lane of traffic will be closed at all times leaving two lanes open for traffic to construct a new ramp that will connect eastbound traffic from the Martin Luther King Bridge to westbound I-55/64.  (JGG)
  • I-64, from the Green Mount Road interchange to the IL 4 interchange, eastbound and westbound daily and nightly lane restrictions to add additional lanes to I-64 and construct a new interchange at Rieder Rd. through June 2017. All westbound lanes, west of IL 158, will remain open from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM and all westbound lanes, east of IL 158, will remain open from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.  All eastbound lanes, west of IL 158, will remain open from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM and from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM and all eastbound lanes, east of IL 158, will remain open from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. (SEP)
  • IL 13 under IL 15, Belleville, closed to all traffic through spring 2017. (SEP)
  • IL 15 bridges over IL 13, Belleville, one lane closed in each direction of bridges through spring 2017. (SEP)
  • IL 157 at IL 161/St. Clair Avenue, the bridge carrying IL 157 over IL 161/St. Clair Avenue closed for removal and replacement of the bridge through the winter. A marked detour and message boards utilizing routes IL 15 and I-64 will be in place to route traffic around this closure.  (JGG)
  • Rieder Rd., from US 50 to Wherry Road, closed except to local traffic to reconstruct Rieder Rd. and construct a new interstate interchange with I-64 through mid-May 2017. (SEP)

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