CHICAGO – Governor Bruce Rauner announced today he has made appointments to the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Labor Relations Board, the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Illinois Racing Board, and the Illinois Pollution Control Board. In addition, he has made a number of appointments and reappointments to the Boards of Trustees at Illinois State University, Northern Illinois University, Southern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, Eastern Illinois University, and Governor’s State University.

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Name: Ruth Cross

Position: Board Member - State Board of Education

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Ruth Cross to the Illinois State Board of Education. Cross will bring more than three decades of extensive experience as a teacher, principal, assistant superintendent and educational consultant to the board.

Currently, Cross works for CASEL, which is an educational organization devoted to promoting social and emotional learning (SEL) to help improve school programming. She coordinates with CASEL and the DuPage County Regional Office of Education. She also consults with the Chicago Public Schools on SEL.

Prior to joining CASEL, Cross was the Assistant Superintendent of School Programs and Services at the Naperville School District. She was also a principal at two elementary schools in the school district. Cross began her educational career as an elementary school teacher in Plano in 1973. Within five years, she took on the additional role of Gifted and Math District Coordinator.

Cross earned her bachelor's degree from St. Xavier College and her master’s degree from Governor’s State University.

Name: Kathryn Nelson

Position: Member – Illinois Labor Relations Board

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Katie Nelson to the Illinois Labor Relations Board. Nelson’s past experience as general counsel to the Illinois Labor Relations Board will bring unique knowledge and perspective to the board and its future success.

Nelson recently served as the general counsel for the Labor Relations Board where she advised state and local panels on all legal aspects of the operation and administration of the board. Nelson previously owned a private law practice where she was the sole practitioner focusing on various aspects of employment and labor related legal issues at the Law Office of Kathryn Zeledon Nelson.

Nelson received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She received her JD from DePaul University’s College of Law.

Name: Sadzi Martha Oliva

Position: Commissioner – Illinois Commerce Commission

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Sadzi Martha Oliva as Commissioner of the Illinois Commerce Commission. Oliva’s legal and ethics experience will be an asset to the Commission.

Oliva previously served as General Counsel for the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Previous positions within the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation included Ethics Officer, Administrative Law Judge and Chief of Medical Prosecutions.  She also worked at the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services as the Chief Administrative Law Judge.  Oliva also served as an Assistant Attorney General at the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Special Prosecutions Bureau, where she prosecuted financial crimes. She is a member of the Cuban American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois, and has volunteered in multiple capacities including the Chicago Coalition for Law Related Education and Lawyers in the Classroom.

Oliva received her bachelor’s degree from DePaul University. She received her law degree from Loyola University - Chicago.

Name: Thomas McCauley

Position: Member – Illinois Racing Board

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Thomas McCauley to the Illinois Racing Board. McCauley’s gaming law background and legal expertise will be an asset to the Board.

McCauley practiced law with his initial partnership until 1995, when he became a Partner at Nisen & Elliott, LLC. His concentrations include business law, real estate and construction law, general corporate and gaming law. He previously served on the Racing Board in 2014.

McCauley received his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University and his law degree from Loyola University – Chicago.

Name: Katie Papadimitriu

Position: Member – Illinois Pollution Control Board

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Katie Papadimitriu to the Illinois Pollution Control Board. Papadimitriu’s current role on the Illinois Pollution Control Board will greatly inform her new position and the entire control board.

Papadimitriu is currently serving as policy advisor to the Chairman of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in which she advises the Chairman on developments in the energy and environmental markets. She also researches and prepares policy papers and briefing materials for the Chairman. Her previous roles include senior consultant at Kevala Analytics where she directed and provided strategic guidance and execution for Energy Foundation-funded projects to create a publicly available, web based geospatial information system (GIS) portal. She was also senior policy director at CLEAResult.

Papadimitriu received her bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Chicago. She received her master’s in investment from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Name: Julie Jones

Position: Board Member – Illinois State University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Julie Jones to the Illinois State University (ISU) Board of Trustees. Jones will bring a passion for the university and legal background to the position.

Jones has her own law practice. She has also worked as a contract specialist and attorney for a number of wireless telephone companies. In addition, she was previously an attorney for Protecting Legacies, a company that focuses on estate planning.

Jones graduated from ISU and earned her law degree from Emory University.

Name: Sharon Rossmark

Position: Board Member – Illinois State University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner today appointed Sharon Rossmark to the Illinois State University Board of Trustees. Rossmark’s extensive experience in business management and previous experience as a trustee of Oakton Community College make her extremely qualified for the role.

Rossmark currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of AeroVista Innovations where she oversees risk management, strategy, human resources and the legal department. Previously, Rossmark worked for Allstate Insurance Company for nearly 30 years.

Rossmark earned her bachelor’s degree from ISU. She earned her MBA from the University of Illinois – Chicago.

Name: John Rauschenberger

Position: Board Member – Illinois State University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed John Rauschenberger to the Illinois State University’s Board of Trustees. Rauschenberger has years of management experience that will be instrumental in guiding Illinois State University to success.

Rauschenberger is currently serving as the executive vice president and general manager of the Technology & Manufacturing Association. In that role, he oversees the day-to-day building operations of the staff and office. Past roles include his tenure as senior vice president of the Marine Credit Union where he managed and oversaw the internal insurance agency and his multiple roles at State Farm Insurance Company.

Rauschenberger is an alumni of Illinois State University where he graduated with both of his bachelor’s and master’s degree.

Name: Eric Wasowicz

Position: Board Member – Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Eric Wasowicz to Northern Illinois University’s Board of Trustees. Wasowicz is both an alumni and instructor at Northern Illinois University, and this close relationship will bring a unique perspective to the board in guiding successful strategies for the school.

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Wasowicz served as an instructor at Northern Illinois’ Business School where he taught management and entrepreneurship courses. He is currently an investor and advisor at the Greenbrier Group LLC where he provides business and IT consulting services.

Wasowicz received his B.A. in computer science from Northern Illinois University’s business program.

Name: Dennis Barsema

Position: Board Member – Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Dennis Barsema to Northern Illinois University’s Board of Trustees. Barsema’s managerial experience will help Northern Illinois University invest in student success.

Barsema is the president and CEO of Redback Networks, the fifth most successful IPO in the history of U.S. companies, and where he grew the start-up to a business with over $200 million in revenue. His past roles include being president and CEO of Onetta, Inc. where he oversaw the strategic planning of the company in the traditional president and CEO operational and administrative duties.

Barsema is a graduate of Northern Illinois University.

Name: Veronica Herrero

Position: Board Member – Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Veronica Herrero to the Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees. Herrero’s experience in educational management will bring a valuable perspective to the board.

Herrero is currently the Chief Program Officer at One Million Degrees, which focuses on empowering community college students to successfully complete their associates degree and transition into a career or four-year university. Previously she was the Director of College Success Programs at the University of Chicago – Urban Education Institute and the Vice President of Operations for Progressus Therapy. 

Herrero earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and her MBA from the University of Chicago.

Name: Marsha Ryan

Position: Board Member – Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner appointed Marsha Ryan to the Southern Illinois University (SIU) Board of Trustees. In addition to being an alumna of SIU, Ryan’s experience as an adjunct professor and as an employee will bring an important perspective to the board.

Currently, Ryan is a surgeon at Southern Illinois Healthcare, specializing in the treatment of breast cancer. She previously worked at SIU’s School of Medicine. In addition, she has served as an adjunct professor at the SIU School of Law and as an assistant professor at the SIU School of Medicine.  In the community, Ryan served as a member and the president of the SIU Foundation, the SIU Search Committee, the Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation, the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce, and the Carbondale Community Arts.

Ryan earned her bachelor’s degree from Oklahoma City University, her medical degree from the University of Oklahoma and her law degree from Southern Illinois University. She lives in Murphysboro.

Name: Phillip ‘PJ’ Thompson

Position: Board Member – Eastern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Phillip Thompson to the Eastern Illinois University (EIU) Board of Trustees. His background in alumni relations and higher education will be an asset to the board.

Currently, Thompson is the Alumni Service Events Coordinator at Eastern Illinois University where he coordinates and plans over 40 alumni events per year around the country. He also serves as the Director of Alumni and Parent Relations at McKendree University where he is responsible for maintaining various alumni budgets and is the university liaison to the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Previously, he served as Associate Director of Alumni Relations at Bradley University. He also serves on the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District V Planning Committee.

He earned a degree in Sociology from Eastern Illinois University and a graduate degree in Higher Education Administration from McKendree University.

Name: Masah Renwick

Position: Board Member – Governor’s State University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Masah Renwick to the Governor’s State University Board of Trustees. Renwick’s civic and professional experience will bring a valuable perspective to the board.

For the past ten years, Renwick has worked as an attorney. Currently she owns the Renwick Firm, Inc. focusing on family law. Previously she worked for the Lakeside Law Group and the Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving. She also worked as a Will County State’s Assistant Attorney for four years. 

Renwick earned her bachelor’s degree and law degree from Indiana University.

Name: Cornelius Griggs

Position: Board Member – Governor’s State University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Cornelius Griggs to the Governor’s State University Board of Trustees. Griggs brings management experience and a passion for education to the position.

Griggs has more than ten years of experiences in construction management and is currently the President of GMA Construction Group. He served on the Community Development Commission and the Community Land Trust Board of Directors under the City of Chicago. He also served on the Board of Directors of Introspect Youth Services.

Griggs earned his bachelor’s degree from Chicago State University and his master’s degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Name: Carney Barr

Position: Board Member – Governor’s State University Board of Trustees

Governor Bruce Rauner has appointed Carney Barr to the Governor’s State University Board of Trustees. Barr has served on the Governor’s State University Foundation Board of Directors since 1976 and his commitment to the University will serve it well.

Since 1981 Barr has worked for Rich Township where he has served in many capacities, including Rich Township Trustee, finance manager and most recently finance advisor. Previously, Barr worked at Amoco Corporation where he was Government Affairs Coordinator and Senior Staff Program Coordinator.  Barr also previously served as a Project Manager for Charles Barr and Associates. 

Barr earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Georgetown University, MBA from American University and post graduate degree in public administration and business administration from Governor’s State University. 


Robert Dobski – Illinois State University Board of Trustees

Timothy Struthers – Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Lyneir Cole – Western Illinois University Board of Trustees

Cathy Early – Western Illinois University Board of Trustees

Todd Lester – Western Illinois University Board of Trustees

Steven Nelson – Western Illinois University Board of Trustees

Dan Caulkins – Eastern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Joseph Dively – Eastern Illinois University Board of Trustees

Patrick Ormsby – Governor’s State University Board of Trustees