Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tree native to Southeast Asia.GODFREY - The Village of Godfrey is considering a ban on the sale or possession of kratom, which would impose fines for each violation and criminal penalties under certain circumstances.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Kratom “commonly refers to an herbal substance that can produce opioid and stimulant-like effects.” Most users report using kratom to manage pain or opioid addictions.

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“While there are no uses for kratom approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, people report using kratom to manage drug withdrawal symptoms and cravings (especially related to opioid use), pain, fatigue and mental health problems,” the NIDA states.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) notes kratom “is not controlled under the Controlled Substances Act,” leaving regulation to state and local governments. Kratom products can legally be sold in Illinois to individuals over 18 years old, but local municipalities have the authority to ban it within their jurisdictions, as the City of Alton did in March of 2018.

If passed, the Godfrey ordinance would ban the possession, distribution, and delivery of kratom and kratom products within the village. It states among other reasons that kratom “has no beneficial or practical purpose,” and that its consumption “can lead to serious side effects including seizures, respiratory depression, and potentially death.”

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While side effects of kratom use do include heart and lung issues, seizures, and more, the NIDA notes that “fatal overdose from kratom use alone is extremely rare.” The FDA found that in the rare case of a kratom-associated death, the substance “was usually used in combination with other drugs, and the contribution of kratom in the deaths is unclear.”

“The Village of Godfrey has concerns that allowing the possession, distribution, and delivery of Kratom within Village limits will have a negative effect on the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Village of Godfrey,” the proposed ordinance states.

Under the proposed ordinance, each violation will result in a fine of at least $100 and a maximum of $750 for each offense. Anyone who knowingly purchases or provides kratom to an individual under 18 years of age would also be subject to criminal penalties, with each offense classified as a Class B misdemeanor under state law.

Craig Katz of CBD Kratom has signed up for the Public Comment portion of Tuesday’s Village Board meeting. CBD Kratom currently operates a location at 2801 Homer Adams Parkway in Alton.

Follow the discussion and vote on the Godfrey kratom ban and other agenda items live tonight, Jan. 7, 2024 at 6 p.m. on or the Facebook page.

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