GODFREY - Godfrey Mayor Mike McCormick and his wife, Linda McCormick, were invited by Godfrey native Alex Maggos to attend the inauguration of 45th U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C.

Mike McCormick was offered the opportunity by Maggos during a benefit for slain St. Louis County Police Officer Blake Snyder at the Alton Wood River Sportsman's Club. The mayor said he mulled over the decision for a night, but said Linda McCormick told him they should take the opportunity as a birthday present to her. Her birthday fell on Jan. 19. 

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"It was something I'll never forget," said Mike McCormick. "Life is made up of memories, and this one is definitely a big one." 

The McCormicks sat in the "Orange Section" of the inauguration. Mike McCormick said he and his wife were able to see the newly-inaugurated president's speech, but found it easier to view it on a television screen in his section. Mayor McCormick said he enjoyed Trump's speech and is looking forward to what the new president's administration could bring to the Riverbend Area.

"I really enjoyed his speech," he said. "I think he will do his darnedest to do what is right for America. I'm excited about the people he's been selecting for his cabinet, and think they will do a lot for the economy. We need to increase spending and investment in businesses. It is especially something we need a lot more of in this area, and I don't know what people were talking about when they said there wasn't hardly anyone there. That was more people than I've ever seen in my entire life." 

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During the inauguration, Mike McCormick said he was able to meet with the U.S. Congressmen representing the Riverbend, including Mike Bost, John Shimkus and Rodney Davis, who represents Godfrey. All are Republicans. 

Following the inauguration, the McCormicks took the city's metro system to their hotel, but large-scale protests delayed them. They decided to grab some lunch together at a restaurant, and Mike McCormick said he would forever be imprinted with what he saw from that restaurant's windows for the two hours they were there. 

"It was wild to see so many people demonstrating and protesting," he said. "Two of the windows in the restaurant we were in were broken earlier in the day by people throwing rocks and small boulders through them. I appreciate everyone's rights to demonstrate and protest, but when it gets violent, it's wrong." 

Mike McCormick said he saw waves of heavily-armored police charge down the street in waves, dispersing protesters as they charged. He said he and his wife were also privy to ominous booms from tear gas dispersing grenades being launched at protesters. Much like the inauguration itself, Mike McCormick said the demonstrations and responses following it were unforgettable.