The covered bridge in Glen Carbon serves as a starting point for a street project pending Village Board approval.

GLEN CARBON - Two contracts between Glen Carbon and TWM, Inc. for street improvement projects are up for a vote at Tuesday night, Jan. 14, 2025, Glen Carbon Village Board meeting.

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Trustees will consider the approval of two contracts with TWM, Inc. for construction engineering services under the Street Program. Work under the first agreement totals $94,300, while the second agreement totals $44,700.

According to a memo to trustees from Public Works Director Scott Slemer, the $94,300 agreement is for the Main Street Storm Sewer Replacement project, while the $44,700 agreement is for the Forest Ridge Court Reconstruction project.

Main Street Storm Sewer Replacement

Project limits for the Main Street Storm Sewer Replacement extend from the historic Glen Carbon covered bridge to School Street. The full scope of the work is described in the first Professional Services Agreement as follows:

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“All inlets and storm sewer will be replaced, and the street will be patched as necessary,” according to the first agreement. “Patching includes new curb and gutter, pavement, and sidewalk that is required to be replaced due to the installation of the new storm sewer.”

This will serve as Phase 1 of the project, with work set to begin shortly after the Glen Carbon Homecoming celebration, which typically takes place in mid-June. Phase 2 will follow shortly afterwards, extending the storm sewer replacement work from School Street to Glen Crossing Road.

Once both phases have been completed, the village will pursue resurfacing work from the covered bridge to Glen Crossing, and will apply for a Surface Transportation Program (STP) grant to help fund that portion of the project.

Forest Ridge Court Reconstruction

The second agreement with TWM concerns the Forest Ridge Court Reconstruction project. This project area will span from Glen Crossing Road to the end of a nearby cul-de-sac.

Under the agreement, “curb and gutter will be replaced in the cul-de-sac and a new asphalt section with aggregate base will be installed throughout.“ Work on this project is set to begin in spring or summer of this year.

Trustees are set to consider both of these agreements and other agenda items at their next meeting tonight, Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025 at 7 p.m. Stay tuned to for the latest Glen Carbon Village Board coverage.

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