AMH Employee of the Month Evelyn Campbell of Ambulatory Surgery (front left) is Alton Memorial Hospital’s November Employee of the Month. Evelyn was congratulated Friday morning by, left to right, Heidi Noel and Cathy Wagner from Ambulatory Surgery, and AMH Vice President Brad Goacher. Her co-workers say that “Evelyn is always willing to help co-workers with patient assignments and IV sticks.ALTON - Evelyn Campbell of Ambulatory Surgery (front left) is Alton Memorial Hospital’s November Employee of the Month. Evelyn was congratulated Friday morning by, left to right, Heidi Noel and Cathy Wagner from Ambulatory Surgery, and AMH Vice President Brad Goacher.

Her co-workers say that “Evelyn is always willing to help co-workers with patient assignments and IV sticks. She willingly switches call schedule and picks up extra call/shifts to help out with staffing needs.

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Evelyn’s name is regularly mentioned by patients during our post-op discharge calls. Evelyn acts as interim board runner and covers for Total Joint Class when needed. Evelyn is an excellent resource person for all staff, patients and patient families.”