ALTON - Senior Services Plus, Inc. Meals on Wheels program received a boost with a generous grant of $10,000.00 from the Employee Community Fund of Boeing, St. Louis for 2019 and 2020. The grant funds will cover direct costs for the Senior Services Plus, Inc. Meals on Wheels program and make a tremendous impact on the health and welfare of over 1,400 seniors in Madison and St. Clair counties in Illinois.

The Meals on Wheels program provides a daily nutritious meal for seniors in 22 townships, many of whom are at risk for low nutrition because of limited income and poor health. The seniors who participate in the Meals on Wheels program are asked for a suggested donation, although no senior is refused a meal regardless of their ability to make a donation.

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“The past years have been difficult for Meals on Wheels due to the budget issues, state and federal,” stated Jonathan Becker, Senior Services Plus, Inc. CEO. “During the past three years, the suggested donations for the Meals on Wheels program continue to drop. The program receives an average donation of $.21 although it asks for $4.00.

“It is the individuals who are most frail and vulnerable who depend on that daily contact with our drivers and volunteers to maintain contact with the outside world and break the isolation of aging, “said Tammie Updike, Meals on Wheels Coordinator. “Over 60% of seniors, we serve to live alone with limited family support. Many families do not reside in the area and the Meals on Wheels program is the only contact these seniors have.”

If you would like further information regarding the Meals on Wheels program, please contact Tammie Updike at 618-465-3298 or visit