ELSAH - People love walking the streets of Elsah, to soak in its beauty and to feel the presence of the past. Elsah’s Home for the Holidays House Tour held on Dec. 7 this year from Noon to 4 p.m. does just that – it gives everyone an opportunity to finally have an ‘inside look’ at some of Elsah’s historic buildings, many dating back to the 1800s.

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Historic Elsah Foundation’s annual Home for the Holidays is a self-guided walking tour of the village. Tickets for this event includes a visit to 12 historic homes, where the homeowners greet each guest, and offer a little history about the building. Also open on the day of the house tour is the old two-room village school house, the museum, the churches, Elsah’s quaint little shops, and its cozy bed & breakfast inns. A ride on a horse-drawn carriage is also available at no extra charge.

My Just Desserts will provide a fixed price lunch for $11 at Farley’s Music Hall. Lunch begins at 11:30 pm and is served on a first come, first serve basis until 4:00 pm.

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Ticket information: Advance tickets- $15.00. Tickets purchased on the day of the house tour - $18.00. Tickets may be purchased online at www.historicelsah.org/tour, in Elsah at Elsah General Store, Green Tree Inn, and Maple Leaf Cottage Inn, or in Alton at My Just Desserts, or the Alton Visitor Center, 200 Piasa.

The Civic Center, 51 Mill Street - (Old School House), will be the site for “WILL CALL” for prepaid ticket pickup starting at 11:30 pm on the day of the event.

The Home for the Holidays House Tour is a program event of Historic Elsah Foundation. The Historic Elsah Foundation, incorporated in 1971 as a non-profit organization, has as its purpose the preservation and enhancement of the historic buildings, houses, architecture, and culture of the Village of Elsah, Illinois, through the encouragement of historical research on the Village and other nearby historic areas. The Historic Elsah Foundation sponsors research projects, educational meetings, house tours and walking tours, and is a co-sponsor of the Village of Elsah Museum.

For more information call 314-308-0931