EDWARDSVILLE - Students from Edwardsville School School District 7 successfully competed at the Special Olympics Area 12 basketball tourney on Sunday, Jan. 29, in Trenton, Illinois.
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The Edwardsville contingency brought home several gold and silver medals.
District 7 took part in the team competition as well as the individual skills competition.
The middle and high school athletes were coached by Shannon Leahy and Yvonne Hallemann. The basketball team received silver medals. Team members included: Andrew Aramowicz, Noah Black, Michael Bugger, Matthew Burton, Zackery Gibbs, Jon Hunter Hinson, Jack Hultz, Maurice Miner, Ashlyn Porter and Matthew Sharoni.
The athletes that competed in the individual skills competition demonstrated their ability to shoot baskets from different ranges, dribbling while being timed, and passing the basketball.
The following athlete received a gold medal:
Kyle Moore (11 years old).
The following athletes received silver medals:
Alexander (A.J.) Brewster (9 years old) and Spencer Schickedanz (9 years old).
The following athlete received a bronze medal:
August Castelli (8 years old).
"The competitors were cheered on by parents, teachers, and Key Club students from EHS who volunteered
their time to help at the event," said the coaches for Edwardsville's competitors. "We are very proud of our athletes, staff members, and students that participated in this event."