EDWARDSVILLE - Bob Daiber (D) from Marine made it official today that he will be a candidate for Madison County Board Chairman as he officially filed his statement of candidacy and petitions. Daiber filed over 1400 signatures to place his name on the ballot on March 17, 2020. Daiber said, “The petition drive to collect this quantity of signatures was a great testimony to the volunteers who believe that there needs to be a change in the chairmanship in Madison County.” I am grateful to all the Democratic precinct committeeman, members of organized labor and citizens at large who participated to collect signatures stated Daiber.

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Daiber is currently serving out his fifth term as Marine Township Supervisor. He also served on the County Board as the Representative for District 4 from 2002 until 2007. At that time, he chaired the Planning and Development Committee at a time of rapid residential and commercial development in the county. Daiber was appointed to be Regional Superintendent of Schools in Madison County May 2007 and served in that capacity until June 30, 2019. Daiber shared that he is proud of his record of public service. Daiber stated, “Being Chairman requires a vision to advance the county. That is why I voted as a board member to build Governor’s Parkway, move forward with the building of the Stan Musial bridge, and support the initiative to improve the levy system. My record as an elected official has been to put the public’s interest first and help make Madison County a great place to live, work, and raise a family.”

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Daiber also discussed that he is proud of the school systems in Madison County and the fact that the Triad District will be the first district outside of Chicago to roll out electric buses in the coming year, as they were awarded a major grant from Ameren to pay for the buses.

As Chairman, Daiber said his agenda will include working to develop a well-trained workforce. This past year he facilitated one of the first county-wide Construction Craft Preparation Programs with the Illinois Laborers’ and Contractors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust Fund. The program was established with no additional cost to school districts or students.

Daiber’s agenda also includes addressing property tax assessments for residential, business, and farmland. He will work to seek resources for infrastructure and needed social programs in our communities. Daiber said, “We can not turn our backs on issues like the opioid epidemic and mental health because from these issues our communities are faced with public safety concerns.”

“I am committed to providing the citizens of Madison County with an efficient and effective government. I assure residents that my administration will be inclusive of the residents in all parts of this county and that it will operate by high ethical standards,” stated Daiber.