ALTON - Deputy Police Chief Jarrett Ford released recent stats that showed Alton issued 56 distracted driving citations in addition to 45 citations for various offenses during the April Distracted Driving Enforcement Period.

The Alton Police Department joined forces with state and local law enforcement and highway safety partners for this enforcement effort.

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“Distracted Driving Awareness Month isn’t about citations – it’s about saving lives," Deputy Chief Ford said. "This enforcement period allowed the Alton Police Department to bring a heightened awareness to deter motorists from engaging in this deadly behavior."

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Ford said using your phone in anything other than the handsfree mode in Illinois is not only dangerous but also illegal.

"'Drop it and Drive' is more than a catchphrase," he added. "It is advice that can save the lives of drivers, passengers, and other road users."

The Illinois distracted driving campaign is funded with federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.