This is an photo example of a potbelly pigALTON - A pot-bellied pig that has created a stir on social media in Upper Alton for a few months has been captured and taken to a sanctuary.

At approximately 11 a.m. Wednesday, an Alton Police officer saw the pig running across Edwards Street, Alton Police Chief Jake Simmons said. That officer and two other officers as well as the city’s animal control officer corralled the pig off Brown Street.

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Scanner traffic revealed the chase lasted about an hour.

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“The black pot-bellied pig has been running in the Upper Alton area for the last couple of weeks,” Chief Simmons said. “Obviously, it is a pet from somewhere.”

The pot-bellied pig has been taken to a holding facility in Brighton because the city does not have a proper facility to house it until the owner is located.

Anyone who might be the owner of the pig should contact the Alton Police Department for instructions on where to see him at 618-463-3505.Dan Brannan also contributed to this story.