Our Daily Show Interview! Theater Thursday: Singing in the New Year With Thomas M. Taylor IV
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ALTON - Alton Little Theater has rescheduled their “Sing in the New Year” concert, and they can’t wait to welcome audiences to the performance in February.
At 2 p.m. on Feb. 15, 2025, at ALT, community members can enjoy Broadway hits, from the Golden Age to the contemporary stage. The show will feature local singer Thomas M. Taylor IV. Lee Cox, the theater’s business manager, expressed her excitement to host the concert and share Taylor’s voice with the Riverbend region.
“We decided we wanted to ‘Sing in the New Year’ and just really start it out with a bang,” she said. “Of course, the theater has some plumbing issues right now, so we need to sell a lot more tickets.”
ALT recently announced that they will be closed for four to six weeks as they work to completely replace their sewer system. They are trying to raise $50,000 to replace the sewer system and make up for lost revenue; you can donate here.
As part of these repairs, the theater had to reschedule the “Sing in the New Year” concert, pushing it to Feb. 15. But Cox emphasized that they will not cancel any performances, and ALT’s 91st season will continue as scheduled following the repairs.
The “Sing in the New Year” concert in February will mark the theater’s return. Tickets cost $25 and can be purchased by calling the ALT box office at 618-462-3205.
Taylor, who specializes in opera but loves Broadway, voiced his excitement to be on the ALT stage in February. Cox compared him to the Pied Piper with his talent and charm, and she is eager to welcome him to ALT for this performance. Taylor assured that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
“I like to joke that I’m like a cockroach. Once you get me, it’s hard to get rid of me,” he laughed. “You’ll be seeing me on your stage quite a lot.”
Taylor compared operatic singing to powerlifting, noting that practice is key to strengthening your voice. He said he has a “deep love for Broadway music,” and he is excited to act as a few notable Broadway characters at the “Sing in the New Year” concert. He teased music from “The Little Mermaid” and “Hamilton,” with nods to classic musicals like “The Music Man” and Sondheim favorites.
He thanked the audience for their interest and encouraged people to buy tickets. The show will take place in the foyer or the main theater at ALT, depending on how many tickets are sold.
“The foyer is lovely, but y’all ought to hear me in a theater,” Taylor said. “If I had to give myself the highest praise I could, I’d say you’d be hard-pressed to find a person who is as dedicated to music and their craft as I am.”
Cox added that the “Sing in the New Year” performance will be “intimate,” with cake and champagne served afterwards to celebrate the show and welcome new Executive Director Eric Sykes. She pointed out that a lot of people believe they’ll never see a Broadway show, but concerts like “Sing in the New Year” allow local audiences to have a taste of these shows for a reasonable price.
While the theater works to repair their sewer system, they hope to bring the community together through performances like “Sing in the New Year” on Feb. 15, 2025. Call 618-462-3205 to learn more.
“We’re going to get it fixed, but meanwhile we’re just going to keep singing our hearts out and playing our hearts out,” Cox said.
For more information about ALT’s upcoming performances, visit their official Facebook page or website at AltonLittleTheater.org. To donate, check out the theater’s official GoFundMe.
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