GRACE E. NAPP from Alton High School and Ki JUAN MCGEE from Marquette Catholic High School were honored as the December Students of the Month by the Alton Godfrey Rotary Club at the Club’s regular meeting at Gentlin’s Restaurant. Students selected for this honor are recognized and presented with an award at a Rotary Club meeting and are eligible to compete for a $6,000 Scholarship that will be presented to one of the students honored as a Student of the Month during the school year.

Grace Napp is the daughter of Allen and Kyle Napp of Godfrey. Napp is a member of the National Honor and the Mathematics Honor Societies. She has been a member of the Student Council for four years and achieved the distinction of being selected as President of her Class each year she has been a student at Alton High.

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Napp has been active in almost all phases of Student Life while a student at Alton High. She has been a member of a number of student organizations and has exercised leadership in almost all the groups of which she has been a participant. She was a member of the Varsity Cheer team for four years and earned selection to the All-State Cheer team. She has been a leader in organizing a variety of school-wide activities such as Homecoming and the Prom. She was selected as a Foreign Exchange Student to Germany, selected as a Student Representative to the Riverbend Growth Association, and is a recipient of the Alton Administrators Excellence in Education Award.

In her spare time, she is an active participant in community service projects sponsored by her church and community groups of which she is a member. She has chaired and organized the annual Red Cross Blood Drive. Upon graduation, she hopes to attend Yale University and major in Political Science.

KiJuan Mcgee is the son of Kwame and Aja McGee of Collinsville. He has attended Marquette for four years and been a member of the basketball team for four years, two of which he has served as team captain. He played football this past year and was selected to the Prairie State All-Conference the team as a running back. He is a member of the Student Council and Breast Awareness Club at Marquette and works part-time at the Simmons Law firm. He is undecided regarding a specific college but does hopes to major in engineering and business. He is described by students and faculty as a smart, respectable, and caring individual who always places others first. Napp and McGee were presented recognition plaques by the President of the Alton/Godfrey Rotary Club.