Our Daily Show Interview! Abs Workout Plans: Open House Wellness Event Set for Saturday!

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GODFREY - Abs Workout Plans will host a wellness open house this weekend to promote holistic wellness.

From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025, community members are invited to Abs Workout Plans at 620 Armsway Court in Godfrey to meet with vendors and learn more about wellness initiatives in the Riverbend. Abby Thurman, owner of Abs Workout Plans, noted that the event encourages healthy eating, fitness and more wellness opportunities.

“I wanted to make sure I got every portion of health and wellness and holistic approach I could,” Thurman said. “I think it's a really good way to meet everybody and see the gym and see all the health and wellness vendors that we have in the area to really help get your health and wellness journey started as soon as possible.”

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Vendors include AC Aesthetics, Fitness for the Soul, Trio Boutique, One Stop Supplements, IV Drip, Just Right Organizing, Busy Body Meals, Amber Childress, Jessica Grace Skin and Permanent Jewelry. Attendees can receive hydration IVs, undergo a body scan, learn about meal prep and fitness, and talk to the vendors about their businesses.

Each vendor also has a giveaway planned. Thurman encourages people to stop by every booth so they can enter for the chance to win. She noted that she has personally vetted these businesses, and she is confident in promoting each one.

“What’s really cool is I know each and every one of these people here, so I can attest for myself they’re really good and they know what they’re doing and they’re authentic, true and honest and good people,” she said. “You really want to have a community that surrounds yourself with those people.”

That community element is an important part of Abs Workout Plans. Thurman acknowledged that starting a fitness routine can be intimidating, and some people aren’t sure where to begin. Abs Workout Plans aims to help people on their fitness journeys.

“What helps you grow and be consistent is being surrounded by a community,” she explained. “Some people get discouraged or they don’t feel like they’re ready or they are embarrassed of where they're at, so they don’t want to come in front and they don’t want to do anything…It’s okay to ask for help and be surrounded by likeminded people, because that really does encourage you and keep you motivated.”

Thurman hopes people stop by the wellness open house to learn more about these businesses and what Abs Workout Plans can do for them. For more information about the event, visit the official Facebook event page or check out AbsWorkoutPlans.com.

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