Contacts: Thomas R. Pullen Jamie Pullen Cami Beaber Giertz Sarah Lowe
Mark your calendars for September 7th, 2024 for the first All 80s, All Alton "Non-Reunion"
Here's a breakdown of a few key points.
* this is a free event this year to gauge interest in an all-80s party.
• it will be at Mac's Time Out
• Mac's are blocking the street
• Mac's will be selling a select menu on the street and anything on the menu inside. Food is on you
• Mac's will have beer and other drinks outside, again on you.
• There will be bands and DJs. Stay tuned.
• plan on 4-whenever.
Feel free to invite others from your class or friends from other Alton-based High Schools that graduated in the 80’s
Here's a scoop for you. First two bands to be announced:
Porch Cafe featuring Marquette '84 Grad Brent McCarty. They have been killing it all over the area.
The Undecided "?" will close out the night. Featuring Alton High '83, '84, '86, and '87 grads Mike Julie Lombardi, Thomas R. Pullen, Paul Steinbrueck, and Donnie Sandidge. This will be an evening to remember.
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