EDWARDSVILLE – The Edwardsville Police Department conducted additional traffic enforcement Nov. 16–26 and during the 10-day mobilization period issued six DUI arrests and 53 traffic citations.
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The extra enforcement is remind motorists to buckle up and not drive impaired, day or night, as part of the nationwide Click It or Ticket/Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement effort. The Edwardsville Police Department joined other state and local law enforcement agencies across Illinois to reduce highway deaths by issuing citations to unbuckled motorists and arresting impaired drivers.
The annual campaign may be over in Edwardsville/Madison County, but that isn’t an excuse to stop buckling up Edwardsville Police Lt. Chris Byrne of the Patrol Operations Division said. "Not wearing your seat belt is a primary offense, meaning law enforcement can stop you and issue a citation for that alone. All vehicle occupants, regardless of seating position, are required to wear a properly adjusted seat belt."
“Our officers are out year-round. If you or your passengers are caught not wearing a seat belt, you will be cited for the violation,” said Lt. Byrne. “If you drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will be arrested.”
The Click It or Ticket/Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement effort is funded with federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
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