The purpose of this report is to provide information and to aid in government transparency.
Transportation Committee: Worden Drainage Issue: On February 28 Vern Ruble, Omphghent Township Road Commissioner, invited me to tour an area south of Worden with serious drainage issues. Brakehane, Church, Schein, and Staunton Roads are impacted by heavy rains along the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Due to flooding, the roads become impassable posing a risk to travelers during heavy rains. In addition, the area serves as a mosquito breeding area during certain month of the year. Heavy silting and slow moving water pose a danger to citizens. Afterwards, I contacted the County Highway Director and members of the County Health Department and discussed remedies. We will follow up in the upcoming weeks and months.
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Judiciary Meeting March 1: (1) Issue: Use of Ankle Bracelets to Reduce Jail Costs: I opposed ankle bracelet use for violent offenders and those who pose an escape risk. Use of ankle bracelets for dangerous offenders potentially places the public at risk. Any proposed cost savings seem outweighed by hazards to the public. (2) Issue: Abortion outside the Womb: Recent abortion laws passed in NY and considered in Virginia raised the issue of ‘killing babies outside of the womb’. As the Illinois Legislature seems to sometimes to follow the lead of other states, I raised the issue of abortion laws in committee. I consider the killing of babies outside of the womb to be ‘murder’. Upon birth, any child becomes an American citizen protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The Declaration of Independence which forms the foundation upon which the Constitution stands states; “all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights that among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…to ensure these rights governments are instituted among men.” Once outside the womb, the child becomes an independent human being, with ‘natural right’ of life guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This right can’t be abrogated by government. I oppose the ‘killing of children’ outside the womb ever being allowed in Madison County.
Facilities Committee: On February 28 I discussed space utilization, potential Administration Building security changes, and changes in document storage practices with Mr. Chris Hankins County Board District 15 and Mr. Rob Schmidt, Facilities Director.
Have a great week!
Respectfully submitted,
Phil Chapman
County Board District Three