The purpose of this report is to provide information and to aid in government transparency.
County Board Meetings: Parliamentary Procedure Previously, I publicly suggested in my Report to the People the county board might profit from closer adherence to parliamentary procedure required by ordinance and the County Handbook. Some individuals balked at the suggestion. Congratulations to Chairman Prenzler for inviting a Parliamentarian from St. Louis on Feb 20 to review our procedures and teach us the correct way.
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Highland News: (1) Early Voting: I ensured and voted for funding of early voting while serving on Finance. Highland begins March 18 and ends March 30. (No voting on Sunday check for hours) (2) Previously I moved A Resolution to Establish an Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Ground Water as a Potable Water Supply in the Health Committee. The resolution assuring safe drinking water in Highland passed the board unanimously. (3) Environmental Grant: I moved for a $15,000 environmental grant for Highland in Planning and Development for FY 19’ and it passed the board unanimously. (4) The Resolution I moved in Planning and Development for $39,000 to assist the Madison County Soil and Conversation District passed the Board unanimously. This money will help many with Highland mailing addresses with storm water and floodplain management activities. (5) In Planning and Development I argued and voted for a resolution awarding $45,000 towards storm water and floodplain management which later passed the County Board unanimously. Heartlands Conservancy from Mascoutah helped numerous landowners with Highland mailing addresses will continue on for three years. For every 1 dollar the county spends on Heartlands we get about $11 back. For further information contact Heartlands at 618-566-4451.
Tax Cycle Committee: The Board moved forward with the bipartisan Tax Cycle request for GIS Fee to ensure fairness and a Mortgage Fee Surveys to ensure compliance with the new Illinois Predictable Fee Statute.
Facilities Committee: On February 21, I met with Met with Chris Hankins County Board District 16 and Facilities Director Rob Schmidt and discussed building usage. We took a tour of the County Administration Building and Court House. We determined much space is wasted. Adjustments to space designations is necessary because much space is wasted. Budget figures indicate the aging Wood River Facility, with its many repairs remains a drain on the county budget. According to Facility Department estimates, if we spent 20 million dollars fixing Wood River Facility it would be worth one (1) million dollars afterwards. Sound like a great plan?
Phil Chapman
County Board District Three
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