EDWARDSVILLE - This summer the Edwardsville YMCA is offering new classes to teach adults how to use their sewing machine. Many people have sewing machines in their homes and are unsure how to operate them properly.
These classes are designed for any participant regardless of their current sewing level. The workshop classes are being offered in beginner, intermediate and advanced machine sewing options.
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The workshops are led by Ryan Mehallow, a fashion design student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Mehallow states, “Our classes will cover everything the home sewer needs to alter existing clothing and begin creating his or her own clothes. The beginner course will review the sewing techniques you need to start up your machine and get sewing. The intermediate and advanced courses expand on these techniques with professional sewing techniques and creative flat pattern alterations.”
The beginner and intermediate workshops meets two times for one week while the advanced class meets for four days in a Monday-Thursday format. The beginner class, “Basics of Clothing Alterations” is offered on July 11th and 13th. The class will learn: Sewing Machine Set-Up and Anatomy, Sewing on the Machine, Pressing/Ironing, Hand Stitching Constructions-Running/Basting, Cross Stitch, Blind Stitch, Blanket Stitch, Buttons, Hems, and Patches/Darning.
The intermediate class, “Intermediate Clothing Alterations (Sewing Techniques)” is offered on July 12th and 14th. The class is for the casual sewer or those interested in reviewing basic sewing techniques. Participants will learn: Sewing Machine Set Up and Anatomy, Sewing on the Machine, Fabric Anatomy and Grain, Pressing/Ironing and Basting, Dart Constructions, Princess Seam Constructions and Side Seam Alterations on Pants/Skirts.
The advanced class, “Advanced Clothing Alterations (Flat Pattern Techniques)” is offered from July 18th – 21st. The experienced participants will learn: Slopers, Drafts and Patterns, Fabric Anatomy and Grain, Pressing/Ironing and Basting, Darts to Princess Seams, Pleats, or Shirring, Slash and Spread Operations, Full/Small Bust Pattern Adjustments and Pattern Magic/Miscellaneous Creative Applications.
All classes are offered at the Meyer Center from 6:00-8:00pm. Beginner and Intermediate classes are $40 for members and $55 for non-members. The advanced machine sewing is $80 for members and $95 for non-members. Participants are asked to bring their own machines. For more information please visit our website at www.edwardsvilleymca.com or contact Natasha Howard, Arts & Climbing Director at nhoward@edwymca.com or 618-655-1460.